日本竹尾紙太郎 「Takeo 來自100人的賀年卡」,各國設計師以郵寄方式參與,2022都市酵母 CITYYEAST 參加來到第二年,今年提供兩款賀年卡,分別為日本象徵客朋滿座的「大入」款以及「富士山」款,向遠方傳遞祝福。
During the pandemic, we have been through many mater together, wish us to overcome all the challenges with full energy. Let/s have a happy tiger year!
Let’s have a warm-up for the upcoming year! Flourish blessing from the Super-tiger, wish all businesses full of energy to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic environments.
P.S. The super-tiger figure looks like Japanese characters 大入, which means flourishing the business.
來自台北的「水越設計」,不只是設計師,也是生活冒險王,是瘋狂有趣同時善盡社會責任的團隊。2006年創立「都市酵母」計畫,致力於讓人愛上所居地的方法與行動,提升大眾認知,促進公共設計的發展。2022年是水越設計25週年,快來和我們一起關注公共議題。"AGUA Design" from Taipei is not only a group of designers but also life adventurers. We are a crazy and fun team with social responsibility. "City Yeast" was founded in 2006, dedicated to the methodology and actions making people love their living place. We focus on enhancing public awareness and promoting the development of the public design. The year 2022 is the 25th anniversary of AGUA Design. Join us and participate in discussing the public issues together.
Takeo exhibition:https://reurl.cc/Go5qlx
Air Director|Agua
Design|Chang ai mei
Photography|Chang ai mei