台灣的垃圾袋外觀太過制式化,顯得單調乏味。 水越設計將思緒轉化,依垃圾分類的方式,以插畫方式呈現,讓使用者一目瞭然,更確實做好垃圾分類的動作,同時設計1日/7日用量化, 可以達到減少垃圾的效用。在袋口的部份加束帶,改良成縮口方式,節省了綁結這道麻煩的手續,同時增加使用體積,使用起來更輕鬆方便。
The outer appearance of commonly used trash bags in Taiwan is very standardized, seemingly tasteless and boring. With a little transformation inspired by trash classification and illustration, now the users can identify the contents by illustration, and complete the classification steps easily. To further enhance the usage convenience, a rope is added at the top of the trash bag so the users can close the bag by simply pulling the rope instead of troublesome nod tying. At the same time, we develop 1 day and 7 days quantity bags to better controle and reduce the trash produced effectively. This design is not only convenient; it also increases the bag’s volume.