AGUA Design > product > handbook
  tung bloosom yellow handbook
  novel book
“The Tung blossom season in May is just like a fairy mouth of the whole year. Not only does it sing the snow-white songs but it also blows the warm breath to people’s eyes.“ Every year when the Tung blossom season arrives in May, the mountains and hills are covered in snow-white Tung blossoms as far as the eye can see. When a light breeze passes through, the white petals become like a light fall of snow…

「五月的桐花季就像一張小巧的嘴。它不但唱出一首首雪白的歌謠,更將溫熱的氣息吹進人們的眼睛。」每年五月桐花季來臨,雪白的油桐花鋪滿了山頭,當微風拂過,朵朵桐花如雪花般輕輕飄落… 桐花毽,指述毽子降落時產生桐花繽紛飄落之意象。


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designer - agua. typographic patrick. poet yemimi
weight - 332 g
material - cover france 250. pages england 100
dimension - 10 x 15 x 4 cm. 504 pages
limited series - 500. sold out
colors - yellow. red
year - 2006
noted - eco paper
poem by ye mimi. typographie by patrick (H.K.) patrick將詩句用不同的心情書寫出來,透過他的文字我們彷彿看到桐花隨風舞動著 
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