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都市酵母 city yeast

為水越設計「世界概念設計 plan global」中所發展出來的設計議題,以創意發想,有趣的都市公共空間生活概念,目的是讓大家愛上居住地。都市酵母是尋找運用「創意」建立地方獨特文化360 度面向的方法。都市酵母結合創意力、設計力的實踐平台,連結設計師、導演、詩人、學術研究者、文化工作者與民眾等各都市人士貢獻創新概念、時間與行動,「都市酵母」全球國際觀地方獨立特色的落實工作。

Do you ever wonder that whether the attachment we have with a city is based on something the city offers or it is something initiated by the people?

Today’s Paris is a symbol of romance, culture, and creativity. The stories take place there, and the various people making the stories happen, all help to shape Paris’ image. The process is continuous; it is still being done by people today with their fresh ideas. This urban culture and image of Paris are making everyone yet to be there longing for a visit, while leaving unforgettable memories to all the people visited there before.

There are other cities with attractive images. Barcelona is another one. Its city projects allow designers and artists from different countries to join the urban planning. This let Barcelona embracing more design elements; the buildings sporting contemporary art, museums, and scenic streets, all jointly make the image of Barcelona as a city of art. For Berlin, its residents choose to make the city unique with a night of unlimited free visits to museums. The event is very popular and grows bigger each year; it is now comparable to any other international carnival. A simple idea becomes such a great event, this is definitely beyond the original organizer’s imagination.

After examine all these culture and art events, we should consider how to apply these ideas to make people fall in love with this city, and to make them emotionally attached to it.

Therefore, we look inside, seeking for our inner desire, and making it concrete with our actions. As a result, we develop “City Yeast” project in hope to spread more attractive elements in the city. Through spreading these elements and let them “ferment” as yeasts do, we are making the city more attractive or adherent to visitors and residents.

“City Yeast” is part of AGUA Design team’s project in 2006, Global Design Concept. We joint force to apply creativities to make this place and its culture unique; the participating designers, interior designers, industrial designers, movie makers, poets, and writers are all like yeasts, cultivating and spreading the ideas.

You are also yeasts!

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